Monday, July 12, 2010


We watched Paranormal Activity this past weekend. If you haven't seen it, you need to watch it with the volume turned up loud and the lights off. It was especially freaky since I can relate to nightly episodes. Of course we aren't possessed or being haunted but our house is eerily similar to the house in the movie...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

June 22, 2010

Episodes have been off and on over the last couple of months. Most notably the other night Melissa woke me up a few times during the night. At one point she thought I was wearing a gas mask and tried to take it off my head. Then she made me get up so she could straighten out my pillow so I wouldn't get a neck cramp. I finally freaked out and told her to stop waking me up.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

March 4, 2010

Almost got our decibel reader to the right level. Still had it too high last night so it only caught part of the episode last night. Last night was less of a night terror and more of American Idol (which is a terror itself!), with Melissa sitting straight up in bed and singing. She repeated "Mother, you have something on your head" in a singing voice about 5 times, and went back to sleep.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March 3, 2010

This is something I should have started a long time ago to record Melissa's night terror episodes. I started thinking about it more when the movie "Paranormal Activity" came out since that's my life (minus the devil possession of course). It has been almost a nightly routine to have an episode or two. I want to start logging them because some are funny, some are sad, and some are just plain scary. We just downloaded an app on the iphone that will record sleep activity over a certain decibel so we'll hopefully get an audio log going as well.

March 1, 2010
Had two separate incidents. The first one happened around 11 pm. Melissa looked over and started yelling about the bed being slanted and that I was breaking the bed. She tried pulling my pillow out from under my head because it was crooked and causing the bed to break.

The second one happened a few hours later. She sat straight up and yelled that someone was stabbing her. She then got out of bed and ran into the bathroom. I asked where she was going and she responded "Somewhere where I won't get stabbed!" She said she woke up on the toilet.

March 2, 2010
No incidents